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ARIYNBF 299 with Zhena Muzyka

Zhena Muzyka, author of Life by the Cup, stops by this episode of Alison Rosen Is Your New Best Friend to talk about her journey from poor single mother to successful author, entrepreneur and activist. We discussed learning to ask for help, picking your battles, powerful women versus powerful men, her gypsy heritage, growing her Gypsy Tea company, yurts, Ojai, raising money, motherhood, book widows, tarot cards and so much more. We also did a round of Just Me Or Everyone (click here to see the JMOEs from this episode).

And guess what? The HGFY ringtone is now available!! Hooray! Search HEY GO FUCK YOURSELF in the itunes store!

Also, our live podfest ep with Doug Benson and Matt Costa is now available!

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Credits? We have some!

Executive producer: Alison Rosen

Producer: Gary Smith

Music: Trapp Dog Tom Rapp

Logo: Kezilla

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And  read this review of ARIYNBFand read this article about ARIYNBF and download the Alison guitar solo ringtoneand buy the live episode from podfestand watch this video too.


10 Responses to ARIYNBF 299 with Zhena Muzyka

  1. Honorarius July 29, 2014 at 3:14 pm #

    Guest seemed nice, but a bit too 'flaky' for me… Guess you could say she wasn't my cup of tea…

    Good interview all the same…

  2. Honorarius July 29, 2014 at 2:14 pm #

    Guest seemed nice, but a bit too ‘flaky’ for me… Guess you could say she wasn’t my cup of tea…

    Good interview all the same…

  3. Rosalinda Duarte July 31, 2014 at 3:05 pm #

    I am really having trouble getting through this one. I have to stop it and listen to something else and then try and go back to it again. She seems like a perfectly nice person who has nothing but good intentions. She seems thoughtful, kind, encouraging and generous. Having said that, she is grating on my nerves.
    There is something about writing in a round room, especially for a woman?

  4. Rosalinda Duarte July 31, 2014 at 2:05 pm #

    I am really having trouble getting through this one. I have to stop it and listen to something else and then try and go back to it again. She seems like a perfectly nice person who has nothing but good intentions. She seems thoughtful, kind, encouraging and generous. Having said that, she is grating on my nerves.
    There is something about writing in a round room, especially for a woman?

  5. Nick Hauge August 3, 2014 at 4:59 pm #

    What an effing granola nutbar.

  6. Nick Hauge August 3, 2014 at 3:59 pm #

    What an effing granola nutbar.

  7. badabingo September 20, 2014 at 1:50 pm #

    When Zhena was talking about her experiences and her beliefs and practices (things she is passionate about) she was very easy to listen to and very interesting.

    What I think people who didn't enjoy this episode were picking up on is her nervousness (at times), and abundance of energy that instead of always being focused (like when she was talking about her life) was ricocheting off the walls. I'm the same way when I'm nervous with new people – I talk too much and my energy goes ping-ping-pong-zing-zap-weeeeeeee and I annoy MYSELF. It also makes her (and me, when I do it) seem TOO HAPPY bordering on inauthentic. But, she was totally able to come down a bit after a while and show that her life isn't perfect, she does have struggles still and she is just an exuberant & bubbly person. And that is great, it's just not everyone's thing or style to listen to.

    But, honestly, what a lovely person and what a great story. Also, what an amazing entrepreneur! Good for her. PS I love her spicy chai tea – it's the only chai I've been able to find (in a grocery store) that isn't the sweet / vanilla kind. I love it.

  8. badabingo September 20, 2014 at 1:54 pm #

    Also, Alison my dear, you do not have a narcissistic bone in your body. None. Zip. Zero. Trust!

  9. badabingo September 20, 2014 at 12:50 pm #

    When Zhena was talking about her experiences and her beliefs and practices (things she is passionate about) she was very easy to listen to and very interesting.

    What I think people who didn’t enjoy this episode were picking up on is her nervousness (at times), and abundance of energy that instead of always being focused (like when she was talking about her life) was ricocheting off the walls. I’m the same way when I’m nervous with new people – I talk too much and my energy goes ping-ping-pong-zing-zap-weeeeeeee and I annoy MYSELF. It also makes her (and me, when I do it) seem TOO HAPPY bordering on inauthentic. But, she was totally able to come down a bit after a while and show that her life isn’t perfect, she does have struggles still and she is just an exuberant & bubbly person. And that is great, it’s just not everyone’s thing or style to listen to.

    But, honestly, what a lovely person and what a great story. Also, what an amazing entrepreneur! Good for her. PS I love her spicy chai tea – it’s the only chai I’ve been able to find (in a grocery store) that isn’t the sweet / vanilla kind. I love it.

  10. badabingo September 20, 2014 at 12:54 pm #

    Also, Alison my dear, you do not have a narcissistic bone in your body. None. Zip. Zero. Trust!

Site: Todd Jackson | Art Direction: Josh Holtsclaw | Original Logo: Kezilla | Show Music: Tom Rapp