Alison Rosen
When Not Hosting the Thursday Show, Alison Is: Hosting the Monday show, having difficulty sleeping, tweeting, writing, playing with Wendy, drinking coffee, thinking about but never actually de-cluttering
Birthplace: Oakland, California
Favorite Color: Blue
Sign: Taurus
Learn More about Alison: @alisonrosen

Jenna Kim Jones
When Not Kicking Ass On The Thursday Show, Jenna is: Performing stand up comedy, co-hosting Sorry Not Sorry, narrating and hosting documentaries, doing voiceover work, raising Samantha, organizing her party pantry, singing, talking about candy, playing with her hair despite the protestations of her husband Allan
Birthplace: Seoul, South Korea
Favorite Color: Purple
Sign: Gemini
Learn More about Jenna: @jennakimjones

Allan Moss
When Not Kicking Ass On The Thursday Show, Allan is: Working in I.T., co-hosting Sorry Not Sorry, playing guitar, making really good scrambled eggs, raising Samantha, saving turtles in a John boat, saving time by using a body wash, shampoo and conditioner blend, having a hashtag in front of his name
Birthplace: Gallup, New Mexico
Favorite Color: Blue
Sign: Capricorn
Learn More about Allan: @allanmoss

Greg Heller
When Not Kicking Ass On The Thursday Show, Greg is: Producing and writing television, making binder clip figures, dreaming about lobsters, surfing, fishing, talking about avocados, playing guitar, cooking, playing with his cat, being hypnogogic
Birthplace: Los Angeles, CA
Favorite Color: Cerulean
Sign: Sagittarius
Learn More about Greg: @dongattack

Daniel Quantz
When Not Kicking Ass On The Thursday Show, Daniel is: Working in film distribution, writing, drawing, sculpting, not caring about food which baffles and kind of upsets Alison, working on next week's intros, playing with Wendy, singing songs to Wendy, sleeping with Wendy on his head, suggesting to Alison that Wendy must like him better because of her choice of sleeping partner, playing games on his phone
Birthplace: Tucson, AZ
Favorite Color: Mediterranean Blue
Sign: Leo
Learn More about Daniel: @danielquantz

Jeff Fox
When Not Kicking Ass On The Thursday Show, Jeff is: Producing other podcasts, finding new ways to be organized ideally involving labels, purging clutter, surfing, hosting Barracuda Radio, doing stuff with cars, playing with his cats, enjoying his new hoodie which he says is the best hoodie he’s ever had and he made Alison try it on and she agrees
Birthplace: Pennsylvania
Favorite Color: Seafoam Green
Sign: Libra
Learn More about Jeff: @coloneljefffox

When Not Kicking Ass On The Thursday Show, Samantha is: Sleeping, being a baby, being cute, throwing up
Birthplace: Los Angeles, CA
Favorite Color: TBD
Sign: Scorpio

When Not Kicking Ass On The Thursday Show, Wendy is: Sleeping on Daniel’s head, releasing toxic fart plumes, stealing pens, barking at strange noises, being cute and snuggly
Birthplace: Plano, TX
Favorite Color: Jerky
Sign: Taurus

Tom Rapp (Trapp Dog)
When Not Kicking Ass On The Thursday Show, Tom is: Naming all 156 episodes of Twilight Zone in order, working for the man, getting last minute song requests from Alison, posting songs to his YouTube page, playing "Snack Chat" live on the LIVE Bumbershoot episode, appreciating classic comedy like Jack Benny, Marx Brothers and Monty Python
Birthplace: Long Island, New York
Favorite Color: Black
Sign: Gemini
Learn More about Tom: @trappdog