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Go rate my video or something like that

So I got this email from Skippy from Family Ties the other day, although he didn’t identify himself that way, he called himself Marc Price, which is his name, and he’s involved with ijoke.come which is a website and he suggested I put my stuff on there so I can expose myself to the comedy world. I’m not taking my clothes off for you or your no good friends I screamed, grabbing objects from my desk and throwing them in the direction of Ohio, which is where the Keatons lived and therefore where the Handelmans also lived. What did I grab? A remote control, a coffee cup, a box of mechanical pencils, and tape recorder, a can of Raid, a Winnie the Pooh notebook which was a gift and which I’ve had for about 8 years because I remember mentioning it in a column 8 years ago and mentioning that it was a gift, and… um… a magic 8-ball. My desk is messy.

But then I uploaded my video and right now it’s featured on the site so go there now and rate it, I guess? I’m still not quite sure how this works but all this exposing myself is liberating! And drafty!

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First video from the MINI rooftop

It was windy and I was looking all around and my face was kinda scrunched up because of said wind and also, the rooftop is just cool and there’s a lot to look at. Anyway, here’s the first one. Expect more with oodles more me in the them (seriously, they will be chock full of me. They will be a nougat of me dipped in a me coating).

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That thing I mentioned I'm hosting

Fresh from moving, smelling like dust and packing tape, perhaps wearing a get-up I fashioned out of cardboard boxes and bubble wrap, I’ll be hosting video coverage of the MINI Rooftop NYC. I’m pretty excited, though this festival is hipper than I am. I actually brought that up to the festival people, but I think they liked that. I bring a certain… head full of split ends to the whole affair, provided I don’t get a haircut before it starts. The page I linked to is where the videos will go up, I think, but if there’s another link I’ll provide that.

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Hey look you guys! It's this again!

So we edited the reel again, again. Think of it like the kind of nose job that people get after a nose job. Like with the first one, you definitely know that they’re now sporting a different nose because they once suffered a deviated septum or had their nose broken a bunch of times (those are always the justifications. have you noticed?) but then suddenly one day their smaller nose is even smaller and more, um, “refined” which is a very nose job word. In fact, I should wear a button that says “Ask Me About Nose Jobs!” I could dangle it off the end of my unrefined nose (I just happen to know a lot about them because it was a weird teenage obsession of mine. I also know about horses and toe shoes.) Right, so anyway, this is the reel you’ve already seen but it’s been tightened and improved and sandblasted and fortified. Also, now there’s music at the end and my name lights up!

But my need to shout about every tiny change I make on this thing makes me wonder if I ever were to get plastic surgery, would I also be trumpeting that? I kind of think I would. I’m a very trumpety person. [not making any cabbage jokes. not making them. this is me not making … jesus, this is hard!]

Alison Rosen demo reel from Alison Rosen on Vimeo.

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Listen to me cough on Paltalk yesterday

Here’s the first seven minutes of my interview yesterday on the Diana Falzone show on Paltalk. A word of warning, don’t turn the volume up all the way at the beginning when it starts playing and you don’t hear anything because suddenly the music will start and it will blow your eardrums out your ears and they will splatter on the walls and then you will have no eardrums and without eardrums you [pause while I figure out what exactly will happen]

Without eardrums, you will have no rhythm section inside your ears.

Also, as the music came on, Diana said “I like to dance to the music” and you can see for a split second I kind of considered it and then thought better of it, my moves being so good that I would probably make her look bad in comparison which isn’t really a nice thing to do. It is her show, after all.

And special note to ToddRod: Yes, I am wearing The Shirt. But I’d only worn it twice on TV prior to this. (Once on Red Eye and once on F&F.)

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Site: Todd Jackson | Art Direction: Josh Holtsclaw | Original Logo: Kezilla | Show Music: Tom Rapp