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How do I feel about the fact that I papercut the hell out of the web between my thumb and forefinger? Well, maybe not the web part or whatever it’s really called. More like the edge of the palm of my hand. In a word? Good. In two words? Not good.

Thank God it’s not my shuffling hand is all I can say.

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The frizz was unspeakable

On New Year’s day I woke up really wanting to go to the DMV, bank and post office, but since it was a national holiday we opted instead to go to the beach and walk around.

We went down to the peninsula and it was really overcast, which I like, even if it’s murder on my hair. MURDER I tell you. Here are some photos.

It was so gray and foggy that it reminded me of The Rescuers

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Vacation blockage

Somehow this always happens when I’m away from home and by home I mean New York although sometimes by home I mean California but anyway I start to craft a blog post in my head and then it takes me forever to get it out of me and up on the blog. And the longer I wait the worse it gets. Remember when I had a story to tell you about prunes? Or something? Is this ringing a bell?

Anyway, perhaps tomorrow I’ll snap off a post (ok yuck. now I’m just being disgusting) about “How To Be Funny.” I’ve been writing it in my head for a few days and let me say it’s really a humdinger. A doozy. A ripsnorter. And more similar words.

Also, I went to Z Gallerie today to look at the Quinn couch and I didn’t like it as much in person but the crazy thing is that on the phone I talked to this kind of surly woman name Skye who told me to ask for Skye when I came into the store but since I wasn’t really picking up what this person was laying down I just asked the mind-mannered guy typing something on the store computer if he could help me. He was pretty helpful and also quite fem looking. I mean, amazing eyelashes. I told him I had to think about the whole thing and then he said he would give me his card and what’s my name? His is Skye! Turns out the unhelpful woman on the phone was a helpful man in person.

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Site: Todd Jackson | Art Direction: Josh Holtsclaw | Original Logo: Kezilla | Show Music: Tom Rapp