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This is upsetting

So usually I use this space for writing funny lists and being intentionally obnoxious but I found out this morning that my best friend growing up died in a skydiving accident. My first thought was “I will be ok,” which perhaps sounds selfish, except I lost someone close to me ten years ago and it completely upended my life (in certain ways it still has) and so I think the first thought was a reflexive self-preservation sort of reassurance. Like “Don’t worry, it’s not happening all over again.” Except if I remember correctly, which I do, my first thought when anyone close to me dies is “you’re ok, you’re ok, you’re ok” which I’m beginning more and more to think is strictly reflex and I realize I’m now going in thought circles. Like my brain is assessing the damage: you’re still breathing. Also, it’s probably akin to denial. Like “this isn’t happening this isn’t happening this isn’t happening.”

Because the truth is that I don’t really feel ok. Not at all.

And I’m confused too and unsure what to do with grief/mourning/loss of someone who wasn’t a part of your daily life. I mean, one one level, the main level, it’s just fucking sad. She was young and young people shouldn’t die, certainly not in freak accidents like this. And then on another level, the me level, I don’t know what to do with this other than cry, which I’m doing now.

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Feeling pretty good about this

I still don’t quite understand how it happened. One minute I was eating salad, next minute it was all over my keyboard and a little bit was on my floor. And honestly, I think I was more disappointed over the loss of salad than the potential keyboard destruction but that’s probably because I got this keyboard from the IT dept at Time Out New York. They have (or had) baskets of old banged up keyboards that you can take for free. I played with each one making sure it was lively and social. There was one that I thought I wanted but the minute I got on the ground with it it just fell asleep. Then this little guy came up to me and pushed its N key against my hand. Spunky! We took to each other instantly. “I’m going to take you home and put salad all over you!” I announced, and that was that.

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Greetings my little corn muffins (Ted, that was for you). Question: do I need to change the color of my hyperlink text or are you able to see it? On my computer it looks kind of dim but maybe that’s just me? Are you usually aware where the links are? Speak now or deal with purple hyperlink text.

Also wanted to give a shoutout to all the regular readers of the blog. I love you guys! And to all the new readers? After a brief probationary period I will probably love you too.

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Site: Todd Jackson | Art Direction: Josh Holtsclaw | Original Logo: Kezilla | Show Music: Tom Rapp