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Let's just say

for the sake of argument that I was going to do a regular column or something on this blog. Something that always happened at a certain time each week…. What would you guys want it to be? All ideas will be considered, even ones that don’t directly involve ducks. But to get things started, some ideas:

tips on how to speak in pig latin
conversations between me and my magic 8 ball
terrible advice
three truths and a lie
discussions about earrings
something where I upload a piece of my own hair
more talk about meringues!
this is awkward!
balloon animals!
some sort of rundown of something. perhaps a TV show?
dating advice from someone who’s bad at dating
ice skating advice from someone who’s bad at ice skating
icicles! (but that would get all over the computer)
vlogs maybe

What do you guys think?

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me just say that I didn’t realize I wrote the word “Let” and then hit publish. But now that I realize this I’m hesitant to erase this post because I’m just saying “let” to the universe. Also: lettuce.

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Photo booth photos from the NY Times party

Justin Rocket Silverman who totally spilled a drink on my purse, Anna, me and some guy named Josh who jumped into the booth with us.

The themes of the photos, and I’m not making this up as there was a lengthy discussion in line beforehand about how this was to go down: from top to bottom, serious, smiling, snarling and “just be yourself.” Or maybe the bottom one was “absurdity”? Regardless I just smiled. As a gift to the world.

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Went to dinner with my sister who’s also pretty shaken up by the news tonight. We were remembering little things about Brooke and I mentioned that she had a cowlick in her bangs and she always wore ribbons in her hair (her mom had this amazingly organized ribbon collection). For some reason the ribbons really got to my sister. “I just can’t believe that little kid is gone.” And then: “But of course she wasn’t a little kid.” And see, now I’m remembering more stuff, like how she had a house full of cats and I was allergic to cats and spending the night, which I did all the time, was a sneezy, itchy affair if I didn’t take allergy medication early enough. She had a German Shepherd named Polo. Also, we drew on pillowcases with magic markers at one of her bday parties and I drew all my pets and their names. I still use that pillowcase as a sleeping bag cover (both the sleeping bag and pillowcase are in California which is why I can’t go camping in case you were thinking of asking me). Another quote from my sister: “She was so little.” (She was one of the shortest kids in class growing up.) Also, there were best friend necklaces. Two of them. I had the “Be Fri” half of the hearts and she had the “St End” part. And then there was this terrible summer camp we went to except she actually liked it and went back the next year. I think maybe I felt a little betrayed by that. Like: how could you like this total hellhole? Since when do we have different opinions?

We did grow apart. She got into 4-H and I got into makeup. We both rode horses for awhile but she was actually really good and jumped and won ribbons (again with the ribbons). She moved away in 7th grade I think. 6th grade? 8th grade? We kept in touch for awhile and then lost contact. We emailed again a couple years ago and I remember thinking we didn’t have that much in common anymore. Except even as I say this I can remember her phone number. I think she was the first person I ever really talked to extensively on the phone. We were Facebook friends and I think Myspace friends. She was tagged in a bunch of pictures after her death and the thing that’s kind of haunting me right now is that I looked at a bunch of pictures of her about a week ago without realizing they were uploaded in memoriam.

I’ve written before about how it’s the little mundane details of a person’s life that are crushing and human. You may have read this before but if not, here’s more on that.

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Site: Todd Jackson | Art Direction: Josh Holtsclaw | Original Logo: Kezilla | Show Music: Tom Rapp