For a spill-prone person like me who is usually pretty conservative with paper towel usage (what a sad sentence that is, but it’s true. I even buy those sheets that you can tear in three pieces) there’s a comfort that comes from having bought in bulk. I currently have a bounty of Bounty.
A comfort that’s off-set by this action:
But lest you are thinking I’m saying I’ll just substitute one paper product for another, that’s totally not what I’m saying. I’m just pointing out the paper inequity.
Also, unrelated, I seem to have developed a tremor today. My hands are shaking a little. So, that’s awesome news. I’m going to assume I just had too much caffeine until something makes me think otherwise.
But on the upside, should the shaking cause me to spill anything, my ass is totally covered. Well, my ass is the one thing that isn’t covered, but you know.
Am I belaboring?
Don’t answer that.