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Wire taps and rude cashiers

I would never want to be wire tapped however if I were to find a bug on my phone that was actually in the shape of a bug, I would have to admit it’s clever. Invasive but clever.

In other news, the woman at the grocery store who is so deeply unpleasant verging on belligerent that I go out of my way to avoid shopping there when she’s working was strangely friendly today. I suspect someone talked to her about her foul attitude—something which I debated doing—which just proves my theory that if you want something done right, just wait for someone else to do it.

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Goodbye, thumb modeling career

A lot of people I know are expecting me to hurt myself on a bike but I totally showed them by hurting myself on a vacuum! It all happened very quickly as I was trying to change the belt. One minute I was huffing and puffing and forcing something, as you’re supposed to do when dealing with machinery, and the next minute I was yelling “ouch!” and holding my thumb and watching the blood pool where a flap of skin used to be—skin that was scrunched up but still attached like a little skin ruffle. It was quite demure and charming.


Now I’ll never be a thumb model! (photo taken during healing)

Being a doctor’s daughter I kept my cool head and suggested  I have a seat in the waiting room where I perused Highlights magazine and some outdated issues of Outdoor Living. Then I called my name and asked myself to fill out some paperwork. “Is this really necessary?” I asked? “It’s for our files,” I said while filing my nails. “Whatever,” I mumbled and then took my seat again. Then I counted ceiling tiles. What could be taking me so long? Finally my insurance cleared and I was called in to see  myself. After answering a battery of questions which I really don’t think pertained to my thumb injury at all (When was my last menstrual cycle?  Any history of pulmonary dysfunction? What’s my favorite color?) I began to get testy. Seeing as I was getting testy, I shot myself with a tranquilizer dart and wheeled myself into the ER. “Let’s save a life” I said, staring at my thumb. Then I washed the cut with soap and water and hopped around because it was stinging and then I very carefully pushed the flap of skin back over the wound, first seasoning it with paprika and putting a pat of butter in there so it would bake to a crisp golden brown. My dad commended me on covering the cut with the skin—”that’s the perfect dressing”—he said, eating a salad. Then I covered it loosely with a bandaid because you shouldn’t cover a cut tightly with a bandaid. Then I jammed my thumb into a wall to see if it was all better. It wasn’t! My God, how long was it going to take to heal? I began to weep because modern medicine had failed me.

Oh, and then I vacuumed the hell out of the two rugs I have in here and I have to say looking around the apartment it was totally worth it.


Clean carpet.


Clean carpet.

And now that I’ve semi-cleaned my apartment I feel so much better about everything and considering how  much better I feel it’s a wonder that I ever let things get so messy in here. See, I’ve discovered two things. I feel good when my apartment is clean and I’m starving myself. I feel bad when my apartment is messy and I feel fat. So why do I eat twinkies and smear the wrappers on the walls? Gotta stop doing that.

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Hi, I suck!

You guys, I kind of suck. I didn’t do a Daily Alison today because I’m on deadline working on a story and haven’t really slept in two days. As such you can imagine my skin is glowing and I’m a vision in sweatpants. I wasn’t going to point out that I hadn’t done an episode today, in fact I was hoping you wouldn’t notice, but then I went and shot off my mouth. Goddamnit, me! So now I’m just waiting for some news to break so I can figure out which way to go. The options?

1. To sleep

2. Not to sleep

3. Somewhere else

4. On a journey of discovery

5. On a day trip

6. Go-Karting

7. This could really be funnier

8. I’m sleepy

9. Go-Karting

10. Shit I already said that.

11. Huh?

Oh and also today I was… um… okay I lost interest in telling that story in the middle of the story. Let’s hope tomorrow is funnier and more awesome. I should probably unpack one of these days, huh? I should have put that on the list!

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About that communication thing

So about that communication thing you humans are always recommending? I tried it today. I don’t see what the fuss is about. See, in relationshippy things I’m of the mind that if you have to ask you probably already know and so why put either party through the discomfort of the unpleasant conversation. And yet because it’s just a probability and not a certainty, it’s not that uncommon for me to spend weeks on the tail end of something unsure whether it’s over or not. I get stuck in the relationship’s muffin top! But instead of saying anything like, “Hey, I couldn’t help but notice we haven’t gone out in four weeks, that means this is over even though you’re still emailing and texting me, right?” I opt to play it cool and give the guy his space and then one day I’ll find out he has a new girlfriend and I’ll realize that yes, I was right and it was over between us. And the fact that I even care will be a surprise to him because if I cared why didn’t I say something? So you see where I’m coming from in that you probably have no idea where I’m coming from.

But today the uncertainty of a certain situation which is not along the lines of the above as it’s not even a relationship but just a friendship that was beginning to metastasize into a full blown confusion blossom (sorry for the mixed metaphor) got the better of me and so I screwed up my courage and balled my hands into little fists and put on 80 SPF sunscreen because it’s just good thinking and belched out a confession of feelings to see whether I was alone in feeling them. Um, turns out I was! And am! “Well, I’m glad I know now,” I said, looking for the nearest pothole to fall into.

I’m still down there, by the way. I’m writing this blog post from the pothole. It has wifi and everything! Maybe I’ll do an episode of The Daily Alison from this pothole tomorrow.

I’m OK though, other than my general sense that the entire world should adore me and the cognitive dissonance that results from running into people who are unaware of this edict. I mean, seriously, how can someone not be totally taken with me and intoxicated with every last thing about me? It’s all so perplexing!

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Signs you've eaten a beach ball

stomach distended as if from ingestion of beach ball

friends invite you to beach with one caveat: no eating the beach ball this time

burps smell like latex

lunch was pizza and a beach ball

the beach ball is missing and you’re strangely full

someone bet you $100 bucks you couldn’t eat a beach ball. you’re holding $100!

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Bean sprout game!

Who wants to play fun game which isn’t that fun and also isn’t really a game? You do!

Ok so I’m looking at the back of a bag of bean sprouts which has many delightful and delicious serving suggestions. In fact, in a fun font it says the following: Energize your menu with these delicious suggestions!

Guess which are the real suggestions and which are the ones I made up?

Flavorful side dish: Stir fry sprouts with onions, mushrooms, zucchini and buttons.

Add to omelettes.

Light and satisfying: Stir fry sprouts with tofu cubes and soy sauce.

Put under pillow and wait for the sprout fairy.

Use in meatloaf.

Nutritious crunch: Add raw sprouts to salads and sandwiches.

Less nutritious crunch: Add raw sprouts to butter.

Refreshing: Put chilled sprouts in sleeve to keep hands cool.

Toss with sesame seeds.

Hang bag of sprouts from string in the yard and take turns hitting it with baseball bat. Whoever hits the bag hard enough to open it wins bag of sprouts!

The Fuji Favorite: Microwave sprouts for 1 to 1/2 minutes then top with warm marinara or au gratin sauce.

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Is there a duck in here?

I love this video of the duck ring tone that interrupted Obama for two reasons;

1) When I was a kid I had a phone that quacked like a duck only it sounded like a Satanic electronic squawking, not an actual quack, but still.

2) “Is there a duck in here?” is one of my favorite euphemisms for asking if someone farted. Ooh, if I were less mature I’d condone fart sounding ring tones. Good thing I think that’s sophomoric and totally beneath me.

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T-shirt design contest & a note about today's show

Hey designers and people who are crafty. I want to make t-shirts so we can all profess our love for me however I don’t know what they should look like. I think we need a logo. What do you guys think? What do you want to wear?

I’m thinking something like “Have You Had Your Daily Alison?” somewhere and maybe somewhere else? Clearly when it comes to merchandise, I’m just a consumer. Anyway, if you can design a logo and it’s awesome, that logo will appear on a shirt and you will get a free shirt and I’ll interview you on The Daily Alison (if you want. no pressure if you prefer your anonymity). So do your best work and send it to alisonmrosen [at] gmail [dot] com with “t-shirt design” in the subject line.

As today is Father’s Day, my guest will be my dad! However real life has interceded and so the awesome interview won’t be going up until tonight. Today’s Daily Alison will be a Nightly Alison.

And happy Father’s Day to all dads and happy Father’s Day to all moms too. And all ducklings.

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Site: Todd Jackson | Art Direction: Josh Holtsclaw | Original Logo: Kezilla | Show Music: Tom Rapp