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Sit on this

My current computer chair is so old that when I sit on it a little cloud of dust puffs up from the seat and it’s so uncomfortable that often after long periods of working everything feels achy and unsupported. Which is to say I  hate it and it’s time for a new one. But what kind? I’m working on a limited budget. Can anyone recommend and cheap but not ass-, neck-, and back- killing chair?

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The Daily Alison (Ep. 94, Where I talk to the Comic's Comic, Sean McCarthy)

Sean L. McCarthy runs the comedy news website The Comic’s Comic which isn’t about funny news, it’s news about the comedy world. He broke the news that SNL had fired Michaela Watkins and Casey Wilson and hired Jenny Slate and Nasim Pedrad which is a pretty big deal. Also, he won the reporter contest the year before I did.

And the L. in his name stands for Leighton.

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The Poo

As some of you may or may not know, there is an animal—at least I’m assuming it’s an animal, I suppose it could be an extremely uncouth tiny human—whose been squeezing under a fairly imposing iron gate and using the area in front of my front door as a toilet. This has happened thrice, this morning being the most recent incident. At first I thought it must be a dog but then I saw a black cat in the backyard. I broke a mirror and threw the shards over my left shoulder to offset the bad luck! Then I opened and closed an umbrella six times in my apartment and said an incantation. I’m now wondering if maybe it’s raccoon excrement because everyone knows cats don’t just relieve themselves out in the open. Oh and I threw the welcome mat which the animal had compromised away in an attempt to get rid of whatever smell is attracting the beast  so today the animal just left a little gift right in the area where the mat used to be. It was a set of nautical themed coasters. Thoughtful, but doesn’t exactly make up for the shit.

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Site: Todd Jackson | Art Direction: Josh Holtsclaw | Original Logo: Kezilla | Show Music: Tom Rapp