This story from the Post about lunch bags with mold effect on them to prevent coworkers stealing your stuff from the office fridge makes me so happy I no longer work in an office. I’d all but wiped from my memory that particular aspect of office life—the angry emails about purloined yogurt and MIA roast beef sandwiches.
Side note: Am I the only person who stared at the bag Paul grabbed from the refrigerator last night on Mad Men, trying to figure out whose name was written on it? I rewound three times and finally decided it said Paul, though the P looked like an S. Maybe his late night alter ego is named Saul.
Another side note: let’s just say you had a big hunk of cheese in the bag, would the faux mold still be a deterrent?
Another side note (this blog post is a hexagon, methinks): what are some good names for faux mold? fun mold? silly mold? fool’s mold?
Another side note: I’m procrastinating
Another side note: Ok so I was ambitious when I said hexagon.