I didn’t expect it to be sad, but it kind of is! Because I’m going through CDs and finding the first ones I ever reviewed here and it feels like a long time ago. The funny thing is that I remember being not all that happy at the time, and so I’m feeling nostalgia for something I don’t remember fondly. Also, perhaps dismantling isn’t right word if that suggests some kind of hot allen wrench action. I just mean going through the mountains of crap I collected here. I changed desks three times over the last three years and by the third time I didn’t even really set stuff up, I just lived like a desk refugee (though the post-it note that says “please buy a stamp for personal mail” which I found on a piece of mail thoughtfully returned to me, is proudly tacked up on my bulletin board.) What was I saying? Back to the sorting I go!
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[update: are you guys able to see the below video? Let me know.]
I was looking through old stuff and found this from a couple years ago. I don’t think I ever posted it. Note how even though I’m on the red carpet, I manage to talk about mice.
I dreamed a terrible joke
Usually when you make up jokes in your sleep they don’t hold up (though they’re always hilarious at the time) but I woke up with the following humdinger going through my head and I think it actually works:
“My boss says I’m an ‘inventive writer’ [pause] I make up all my facts!”
Should I ever being doing dinner theater on some cruise ship full of journalists I’ll be sure to use that one.
(or did I hear this somewhere and just think I came up with it?)
bears, frogs, commercials for children's cold and flu medication
My sister and I just watched this commercial like five times and then I was so overwhelmed with cuteness that I had to find it on youtube. The one on TV is even cuter. It’s the part where he wiggles his legs that really gets me. Also, there’s a pretty cute triaminic frog commercial except that frog is like the Dakota Fanning of frogs—a little precicious/showy—whereas the bear is more genuinely adorable/stuffed up.
Salt N Pepa
The decision to write about Salt N Pepa is the decision to have “Push It” stuck in your head for three days.
Adorable baby polar bear cub
While normally I only post videos with me in them, or of Facts of Life, I’m branching out today because this is so cute is nearly brought tears to my eyes. Okay fine, it actually did bring tears to my eyes right around the part here the polar bear cries!
capturing the moment in the moment
So here is what I’m wondering: those people who live every minute of their lives online, who blog about everything and who post photos constantly, do they somehow do it seamlessly or is their effort very apparent when you’re hanging out with them? Are they constantly stopping to take a picture for their blog? I feel like I would post more pictures if I had a camera in my phone or a phone in my iPod (yes I am aware they now have these contraptions).
New Year's
So, what’s everyone doing? I’m still undecided which isn’t all that unusual for me, although this year I think there’s a strong possibility I won’t do anything, which would be the first time I haven’t done anything in as long as I can remember. I’m tempted to indulge the homebodyness for one more night and then make 2008 the year of being less solo. Not that hanging out with Tobey and my parents is truly solo. It’s just kind of sad. And here’s the part where I’m supposed to say that really it doesn’t seem sad to me, except that’s not entirely true. I mean, I don’t think my choice or lack thereof of plans is sad, I just mean I feel a little sad. But I think New Year’s is a time for feeling vaguely mournful, right? I guess I’m just sort of tired and frustrated by a lot of things, and yet not wanting to have to do what is required to change them. I’m speaking in a very abstract sense, by the way. Not like I have a list of things. Maybe I do actually? Well I’m talking more about a general feeling of being in a rut more than specific elements of it.
I tried to post this by email but couldn't remember how
I’m in LA recording red eye and I’m slightly flummoxed by the delay. If it looks like I’m doing some kind of pensive introspective thing looking off to the right it’s really just because I’m not sure when the camera is on me or off me. (There a half second or so delay between audio and video. Video is delayed). Also, I miss Tobey! What my mom doesn’t know is I plan to steal him. Now greg is talking about tramp urine.
Rubella Fitzgerald
Would be a good name for a burlesque performer in a Cabaret-style spoof.