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Got back from practicing a little while ago

My wrist hurts and so do my fingertips. I haven’t played in so long that my calluses are all but gone. Yami (bass) told me I’d be amazed at how it would all come back to me but I was more amazed at how rusty I was and how I feel like it’s all in there, but I’m having a little trouble accessing it. (“It” being the memory of how the songs go.) Still, it was unbelievably fun to play again, and will be even more fun this evening when we play with our old drummer (we practiced with our friend Jodey from Supernova, who not only is letting us borrow his gear, but who kindly-yet-sternly made us practice the break of a song repeatedly until we nailed it. )

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Waking up and playing with a dog

Is better than waking up and not playing with a dog.

Also, tomorrow morning at 11am I’m meeting the band for a quick rehearsal. It’s very much like I never left, in a good way. I almost wish I’d brought my guitar with me. I brought my old strap, on the offchance that the guitar I’m borrowing has straplocks, but somehow I suspect it’ll have a strap that’s attached with duct tape an I’ll put it on and it’ll be hanging around my knees. That will impede the rock. Also impeding the rock? The high heels I’ll be wearing–this is a wedding reception after all.

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In California

After what felt like the longest flight in the world, during which I hit that wall where not even Celebrity Rehab could distract me and each commercial break felt like 20 minutes and so I just sat there flipping through all the Jet Blue channels and thinking that if we didn’t land soon I was going to go out of my mind because I really wanted to stand up and do jumping jacks even though I’m not really a jumping jacks person, I am happy to report that I’m finally here and Tobey is asleep next to me.

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You know when you’re in the beginning stages of a really intense new relationship and you can barely bring yourself to spend time apart because it just feels wrong somehow–like your whole being is rebelling against the separation but you do it anyway because some part of you knows you need to even if it’s not what you want? Well today I drank Vanilla Nut flavored coffee instead of my beloved Mocha Fudge Nut coffee. I’m not going to lie, it felt weird. I kept reaching mindlessly for my cup of Mocha Nut Fudge flavored coffee only to get jolted out of my reverie—where did you go?—by this Vanilla Nut stranger. Vanilla Nut doesn’t know how I like to watch bad 80s comedies over and over again or that my first dog’s name was Woofie or that I’ve never been to Disneyland. It’s not true—I have—but Vanilla Nut doesn’t know that, how could he/she? You know?

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coyotes, oversharing, coffee

This is interesting/cute. I must admit, I had weird mixed feelings when I first started reading because a coyote ate my first pet duck when I was about six—after the death of my mom’s parents it was the most traumatic thing I experienced as a wee one—but I’ve come around to liking this blog. Some day I’ll write more about the coyote eating Cotton (that was the duck’s name). Lately I’ve been thinking that I should write out the stories of the most traumatic things I’ve experienced, not really because they’d be fun for others to read but just as an exercise in maybe letting go, and since I think I have elements of PTSD which is a term I usually toss around as a joke but that’s probably because humor is a coping mechanism–and also my favorite thing ever in the world—so it’s hard to really say what I mean. What do I mean? Exactly. So instead I will say that my new job is nice in that on late nights they buy us dinner and let us come in later the following morning. It’s kind of scary how much it’s the little things that can make a difference. Also, the mocha nut fudge flavored coffee pods which I’m addicted to.

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You guys are awesome

You are! Okay, here is what I’m looking for now: quotes with the word Dave in them spoken by TV show characters, like if it’s a clip from Baywatch or Law and Order or anything cheesy or recognizable. The intention, ultimately, would be to use the snippets of dialogue and take them out of context to make them seem funny. So, send anything if it occurs to you. Thank you everyone!

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Blog readers, I need your help!

I’m like a baby bird, so please regurgitate into my mouth any lines of dialogue from TV shows or news programs or commercials or anything you can think of involving the word “Dave” or “David.” For example:

“The tests came back positive, Dave, you have…” OR


“Hola, donde esta Dave?”

etcetera. Please also include where the line came from. I will be forever indebted to you and by the way, I don’t actually have a list of favorite commenters. YOU ARE ALL MY FAVORITE.

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Site: Todd Jackson | Art Direction: Josh Holtsclaw | Original Logo: Kezilla | Show Music: Tom Rapp