Me again, still at the gym for some reason. Apparently I’ve traveled about eight miles without moving which seems really odd to me. Maybe the gym is longer than I realize? Anyone know how much eight miles is?
Good thing I brought so many things to pass the time! In addition to my blackberry I also have my iPod, two magazines and a book. It’s not dissimilar to the amount of stuff I used to bring for the car ride to disneyland when I was a kid. The ride was about thirty five minutes but I brought enough for fifteen times that. Anyone know what fifteen times thirty five is? I’m going to see if I can figure it out in my head bc that’s the kind of stuff I do at the gym. Okay. Here goes.
I have to say that I kind of feel like an asshole when I have my blackberry in one hand and I pick up my ipod in the other. But at least I’m not doing other obnoxious gym things like grunting. You won’t hear me grunt and if it means that I have to reduce my workout to a mere stretch routine and I don’t even break a sweat and basically people are like who is that girl with blinders on the bike who’s just sitting there emailing and repeatedly looking at a map, confused, so be it.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry