As you may or may not know, my birthday is Sunday, so I’ve been spending a lot of time thinking about things like how old I am and also just me and what a gift I am and continue to be to this world. But I’ve also noticed there are things I’m beginning to do which are indicative of my advanced age. Embarrassing things. A list of them? Sure, why not:
Things I’m embarrassed I now do:
1. automatically glance at the ring finger of whatever guy I’m talking to
2. think about my 401K
3. find it harder to concentrate if there’s music or TV blaring in the background
4. put my teeth in a cup
5. wish my children called more often, even though I don’t have any
6. wonder where my pince-nez are when they’re right on my nose!
7. know what pince-nez are
8. talk about how stuff was “in my day”
9. wear a bumper sticker on my motorized wheelchair that says “I’m spending my grandchildren’s inheritance!”
10. it’s next to the bumper sticker that says “my other car is a temper-pedic”
11. and right above the one that says “I brake for Chick Hearn”
12. appreciate the complexity of flavors in applesauce
13. war bonds!
14. think about my eggs
15. deviled egg joke here!
16. I just don’t get facebook like I get myspace and I’m sure that’s age related
17. feel flattered when I get carded
18. except for when I find it annoying
19. dread my bday
20. fondly recall my time aboard the Lusitania
21. sometimes I switch to decaf because why drink that extra caffeine, you know?
22. talk about how my long hair used to bring all the boys around when I was just a village girl before I was sold into white slavery
23. it’s a grim story
24. sometime I’ll tell you. when you’re older.