Wendy and I have thrice updated our page so I hope you’re all up in that shit.
Also, tomorrow when I do stand up I’m going to “just have fun with it.”
And then I was thinking, is there really anything in life that you shouldn’t just have fun with?
And then I was thinking that I guess you shouldn’t just have fun with heart surgery.
Although I think the doctors on Grey’s Anatomy just have fun with most of their surgery, but that’s TV and not real life and plus they’re really shitty doctors, I know this because they left a towel in that one woman. Remember?
Oh and by the way now that I’m doing stand up I expect a whole bunch of hackneyed observations to start flowing out of me like, like, what’s a standuppy metaphor? Like herpes out of Paris Hilton, am I right?
I hope you’re as excited about this new turn of events as I am.
Okay then.
Oh, also: earlier I was at the Starbucks inside Barnes and Noble which is doubly offensive to Brooklyn since it’s all mom and pop around here but there I was, lining the coffers of Big Coffee Beans and Books and there was a pastry called something like “Flaky strawberry fruit purse” and I was thinking that it would be funny if it said “with real quarters baked inside.” But it didn’t say that, because it’s a pastry, not a comedian.