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I'm top chef!

Cab Driver: So are you married, miss?
Me: Nope
Cab Driver: Really? I would have thought you be married with two kids.
Me: Yeah
Cab Driver: I’m surprised. You’re top chef. You know? Top chef. You ain’t all beat up.

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UPDATE regarding festive tea

After making the below post I burned my tongue! ON THE TEA!

Also, I’m all ready to upload the clips from Mike and Juliet this morning but YouTube is fixing something on the site and you can’t upload right now. They just better be back up and running soon or else I’ll be forced to take more photos of myself with inanimate objects.

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I want to live here

…not in this place (Australia), but in this photo.

I saw this photo on Desire to Inspire, which I found through some other site through some other site which had something or other to do with couches. “Oh, you’re being all neurotic about it,” said my friend matter-of-factly last night when I explained how I go from store to store and back again, sitting and resitting, but not getting anywhere. I’m bottoming out, people. I’m more confused than when I began. Do I want a couch or a womb? I began tearing up on a Bayside Swivel Glider ($999) at Crate & Barrel tonight. And by tearing up I mean crying. I realize I’ve never been less attractive to you than right now. That’s why I’m moving to Australia.

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NY Funniest Reporter—one week later

Now that I’ve been NY’s Funniest Reporter for a whole week, you are likely wondering how my life has changed. Well for one thing, I now sleep on a queen size whoopie cushion and whenever I knock at someone’s door, they say “who’s there??” expectantly and then seem kind of disappointed when it’s just me. I won’t get into the frenzy that results from my crossing the road and all the questions about my motivation in doing so. The laugh track that follows me around took a little time to get used to, especially since it seems to activate at the strangest times, like when I’m not even trying to be funny. Banana peels appear underfoot out of nowhere and all my sunglasses have fake noses attached to them. Similarly my hats have been replaced by arrows and last night I got sick and puked rubber vomit.

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Books on the train

Last night I did something I never do—talked to strangers on the train. They started it! Twice!

It’s because I was reading the second book of the Twilight series. Vampire books for 13 year olds with loosely veiled Mormon themes? How could it not resonate with me, when you think about it.

My train friends also are concerned about the movie and the casting of Edward. One of my train friends was on the fourth and final book and she started reading something else because she didn’t want to finish and have no more books to read. She has more restraint than I do, sort of how Edward has more restraint than say, Jasper.

If you want to meet people, read the Twilight series on the train! If you want to read the Twilight series on the train? Take a cab.

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Site: Todd Jackson | Art Direction: Josh Holtsclaw | Original Logo: Kezilla | Show Music: Tom Rapp