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Archive | Red Eye


As it turns out I won’t be doing Red Eye’s Halftime Report this Friday as Andy Levy isn’t going out of town after all, the bastard. Honestly though I was honored to be asked. As for your loss, which is considerable, here are some pictures to make up for it.

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clip from Red Eye

it isn’t the unmitigated blast of me that it would be if Brent My Favorite YouTube Guru had made the clip, but it’s from the most recent show nonetheless. And this week I’ll be on twice: Tuesday as a guest and Friday filling in for Andy doing the halftime report. I’d cancel all my plans if I were you.

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I don’t yet have a youtube link to the recent Red Eye appearance because Brent Walquist The YouTube Guru is on vacation but the clips are on Fox’s Red Eye site. Scroll down to the little pictures right under “Red Eye On Demand” and you’ll see a not particularly flattering one of me, next to the one of Owen Wilson. You’ll be able to tell us apart because he has blonde hair and is troubled whereas I have black hair and am free of worry. I think I’m in three of the clips which play consecutively. I’m also in the “Post Game Wrap Up” under Red Eye Regulars. Note: this might change tomorrow when the site is updated. Also: I’m still imagining that I’m seeing mice! I jumped at a broom earlier.

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I love my exterminator

Is this what Eva Braun felt? I’m sorry, that was a terrible joke and I should probably take it down but the heady rush of the exterminator having swept through my apartment has clouded my judgment. I love him! He even smells good, which is probably the smell of rodent poison or something to mask the rodent poison. Anyway, while I’m not entirely confident the problem is solved because I won’t believe it until I don’t see it, I feel substantially better than I did a couple hours ago. I kind of wanted to take a picture of him for the blog, but then something stopped me. Strangely it was the urge to eat through rotten wood, crap in the linen closet and then scurry, squeaking, through a hole one eighth my size while possibly carrying pestilence though I think that’s more folklore than anything. Strange.

And while we’re talking about this I have something unrelated to say. I think it’s funny when people pile on the host of that late night show I do for being so twisted. They’d probably be surprised to know a sweet looking girl in love with her exterminator spawns some of the more twisted material.

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Site: Todd Jackson | Art Direction: Josh Holtsclaw | Original Logo: Kezilla | Show Music: Tom Rapp