Here on the blog, Friday is quiz day! I just decided that and I’ll probably un-decide it by the time next Friday rolls around and by “next” I mean one week from today which some people would refer to as “this.” Ok, quiz time! Put on your quiz hats. Mine looks like this:
Ok wait, I lied. Sometimes it looks like this…
I basically switch back and forth between the two. And to answer your question, I don’t know who those guys are but I like the way they are totally committing to the hats which you can tell because they are wearing black turtlenecks. It’s like they got up in the morning and thought, “Maybe I’ll do some pantomime, maybe I’ll do some spoken word in a black box theater, maybe I’ll wear a hot dog on my head but whatever I do, I want the work to speak for itself.” I really respect that.
Now, the quiz:
Tonight I’ll be on:
a) Red Eye
b) drugs
c) pointe (it’s a ballet thing)
d) a booze cruise