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Archive | photos from TV

Crapload of screen grabs? But of course!

Here’s where I explained that the reason you need a gun in this economy is so you can exercise your constitutional right to shoot anyone who may be trying to repossess your car.

And then here’s where I apparently was holding the mic cord.

And then I was going to say that here’s where I killed time during an intro because it’s tough to figure out what to do during the intro however the lower third (that’s fancy TV talk for the words on the screen) make me realize that this is actually where I said that Halloween is fattening and scary and so I hate it. Wait, actually I think I said that later.

And then here’s where I was like “I’m too beautiful to be all covered up by words. I demand you un-word me!” and so they did.

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My two cents

Yeah, but…

Right, but…

But I…

But I think it’s that…

Okay seriously…


No, it’s cool…


I like shiny objects!

Okay fine, that’s not a fair assessment of last night. I got some words in both edgewise and horizontally. Five across? How do words enter when they aren’t edgewise? On rails? On skates? By carrier pigeon? Anyway, my words totally got all up in that shit.

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A shot from Red Eye last night

Usually when I’m on TV I’m able to escape completely from all the stuff gnawing at me in real life and just go into performer mode, which I think is why I like it so much, but last night for some reason I couldn’t get away from anything and so I just felt a little weird the whole night. Not sure how apparent it was, but you can kind of see it in this photo.

And then I beat myself up because I feel like if I were a TRUE professional I should be able to get past anything that might be weighing on me. I mean, not to be ghoulish, but I went on TV the night after I found out my grandma died and it provided a welcome distraction.

Anyway, yeah. I want to live in a safe little TV bubble but last night dumb things—inconsequential things really—were intruding!

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A photo I stole from The Activity Pit

Did I say stole? I meant borrowed. Anyway, I’d like to point out that this is not an accurate representation of my teeth which, in real life, are more white and straight looking than this. Also, off camera I am a petite blond woman who answers to the name “Madge” and is allergic to dairy.

In other news, I love Jeopardy and really can’t stand Wheel of Fortune. When I hear the WoF music come on I can’t change the channel fast enough. If I let it run for a little while because I’m busy doing something else I feel like I’ve somehow let myself down. It’s reminiscent of how I felt when the Arli$$ music came on after Sex and the City. This is related to nothing above, by the way. And I’ve decided to forgo italics. Fuck you, italics. No time.

(Was it convincing? Because I totally DO have time for them, but I don’t want them to know.)

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Some shots from last night's Red Eye

So as you know, I’ve been going through a public identity crisis. (I do all my living exclusively in public now. When the cameras are off I just sleep in a closet, Small Wonder-style). When I’m on TV I’m something in between funny and informative—I’m fun-formative—and I talk about all kinds of stuff on various shows, so I don’t really know how to “brand” myself. I mean, I get the iron really hot but then I let out this blood-curdling death moo and kick up my hooves and it just doesn’t happen. As I’ve said before, obviously I am a journalist, but don’t put me in your little box! (Unless your box is a roomy studio or one bedroom come August/September in a safe neighborhood in Manhattan or Brooklyn.) So I settled on pop culture expert—I’m taking it for a spin, I have seen every episode of Facts of Life after all—and the guys at Red Eye have been kind enough to refer to me as a “self-proclaimed pop culture expert.” So that’s what was going on in this first photo.

And also in this second.

But then I recovered because I am a pro.

And then here I’m talking about the Dems video ad where a woman almost sleeps with a nerd but then stops when she realizes he supports McCain. And speaking of apartments, I was kind of distracted by the fact that I think I used to live in the apartment this was filmed in. I mean, not really, but my old apartment had that exact layout. It’s a little something I call “The Murray Hill,” because almost all apartments in that neighborhood have the same layout. And, points for verisimilitude: McCain supporters would totally live there!

As for the viral video itself, I admit I think it’s pretty clever.

Now see, I was thinking that I might get asked if I’ve ever had this experience, seeing as my dating life or lack thereof is a fun topic. I’ve never run screaming from some guy’s apartment because I discovered that his politics are different than mine. I’m more the kind who would overlook that kind of stuff and then feel tortured about it later because I like him but How Can I Like Someone Who [odious belief/action/hobby/ political affiliation/insignia here]. And I’m not speaking theoretically, but that’s a story for another day.

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Some shots from Friday night's Red Eye

1) Here I am smiling even though I was low. I mean, I’m not sure I was low, but even if I were I would be smiling. Even with a turkey that I know will fold! (I just looked up the lyrics to “There’s No Business Like Show Business”… it totally describes no part of my life. Foldable turkeys? Stealing bows? Butchers who are secretly unhappy because they get no applause? Angels coming from everywhere with lots of jack? What an absurd song!

First of all, it’s pretty hard to steal a bow unless you’re stealing the whole ship and who does that these days? Where would you keep it? That really only applies to people who have access to the open seas and that’s not me. Secondly, I would definitely clap for a butcher who could procure me a foldable turkey. And finally, I don’t even believe in angels but if I did I certainly don’t think they’d be carrying whiskey. I don’t even think they could drink with all the harp playing, so the idea that they’re flapping around playing harps and hitting the sauce is pretty ludicrous. But despite all that weighing on me, I smiled.

2) Here I am saying Pfleger sounds like Bobcat Golthwait, because he does.

I also was going to say that the relationship between Pfleger and Obama is tenuous at best and that I think holding Obama responsible for things Pfleger says is like if a Red Eye viewer ran for office and was held responsible for something a guest on the show once said. But then I didn’t say that because I was busy talking about my belief that the words “I apologize” are never sincere. “I’m sorry,” yes. But “I apologize,” no. Feel free to disagree with me. (I kind of shoehorned that in there since Pfleger actually said “I regret,” but apparently I’m passionate about fake apologies.)

3) Here I am facing a hard truth. I always thought my left side (seen above) was my better one but apparently I look great from BOTH sides.

4) Here I am answering Greg’s question about urine before discussing my personal shift to a zero-day work week.

5) Here’s where Greg and I talked to our giant kids about drugs. It seemed to be going in one ear and out the other, but I’m just hoping that on some level some of it sunk in.

6) And here’s where Greg was incredulous while I looked on disapprovingly.

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Site: Todd Jackson | Art Direction: Josh Holtsclaw | Original Logo: Kezilla | Show Music: Tom Rapp