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Archive | Diana Falzone

I'm on Paltalk at 11am ET

Morning lovers. First of all I want to say that you guys are funny and your comments make me laugh and I am madly in love with each of you and if I were stranded on an island and could only take all of you, I would.

Second of all, I’m on Paltalk with Diana Falzone today at 11am ET. She’s probably very excited right now, as should you be.

You can watch it somewhere around here:

You may have to log in. Do you have to log in? Or sign up? I’m not sure. I’m sorry, I just work here. (note: I don’t work here)

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I kind of love radio

I mean, not that I would ever give up being on TV–it wouldn’t be fair to keep the light that is my achingly beautiful face under a bushel–but it’s good to know that if I ever get mauled by a bear or even just suffer really bad acne, I would be pretty content to while away the hours on the airwaves as I did tonight on DeVore & Diana on Maxim Sirius Radio. Well, I whiled away one hour, but it was a special hour. For you, I mean.

I told Diana Falzone‘s cohost John DeVore that I’m in love with the “Five Signs” lists he wrote for Stuff magazine. They still crack me up like nothing else. Well, maybe not like nothing else, but I think they’re hilarious.

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Site: Todd Jackson | Art Direction: Josh Holtsclaw | Original Logo: Kezilla | Show Music: Tom Rapp