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I was on the Adam Carolla podcast and you weren't

So yesterday I filled in as the newsgirl on Adam Carolla’s podcast. It was super fun even if we only got through about 1.5 of the 8 news stories I’d brought to discuss. You know what that means, right? It means I have all these opinions kicking around in my head. I’m going to just share them now, so they don’t spoil:

No! Hell no! Yes! I strongly disagree. Eh, I could go either way. That is FUCKED up. Creepy! I think it’s funny. WHAT?!?!?! Oh come on. You don’t really think that? Outrageous! Here here! FINALLY! Balls. Yeah, tell that to the judge. Oh for fuck’s sake. Bullshit. Hallelujah.

There are my opinions.

Actually, I could link to the stories but I have a busy day of reading comments ahead of me.

Another thing I could do? Share some of the interview with Adam and Dr. Drew from 12  years ago.

But these comments just aren’t going to read themselves.

And the boxes in the garage aren’t going to unpack themselves. STILL haven’t found the remote controls or power adapters.

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Some edgy images I've uploaded to twitter recently


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Month at a glance

The thing about moving to CA to help care for Marvin is that big stretches go by where I forget all about the situation. Now that we’re past the shock of the diagnosis, the crisis of the hospital, the steeling-yourself-for-news-of-what-it-all-means of the initial few months, things feel sort of normal at times. Marvin is doing well, there is a routine to the treatment and I’m free to walk around the house peering into rooms wondering where all my stuff is going to go once it arrives (it’s en route). It’s amazing how many boxes books take up when they’re emptied from a bookshelf. It’s also amazing how many books I have since I only recently learned to read. (Pop-up books are total space hogs!!!!)

So anyway, mostly I wander around like a dog whose house is being messed with or put on a table to be cleaned, completely unsettled with my lack of a home and new my identity as a person living in my parent’s house assuming my old identity. It’s like someone Command-Zd through the last ten years of my life. Also, where the hell am I going to put all my stuff?

And then I’ll catch a glimpse of something which snaps me right back into the present. This morning it was an image which I wish I could upload a photo of but instead I’ll just have to describe. It was a calendar, the same calendar I’ve seen a zillion times. Written in familiar handwriting down a neat clean row of Tuesdays was the word “chemo.” Same size, same pencil pressure, same placement in the box (upper left) as all the other appointments entered, some indicating other doctor visits, some reminders about bills paid or to be paid, some in other penmanship as this is a family calendar and a record of everyone’s somewhat mundane daily tasks. I suppose that’s the thing with this situation: when it’s under control, when it’s behaving as desired, it recedes into the background, flattened by the momentum of days passing, becoming just another thing to be dealt with, checked off, lived with.

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So I moved…

So I moved from New York to California this weekend. Here are some photos capturing this delightful adventure. (Click on the thumbnail to read about each one. Click again to make the photo even bigger. Use the back button on your browser to get back to this page. God, do I have to tell you everything?)

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Dammit, stoners!

Naturally I  have a google alert set to my name. Usually I just receive news of my own blog posts and occasional bikini contests however today I learned my video with Michael Showalter about a ton of stuff but not including pot smoking has been included on a site called How To Smoke Weed. See the above alert. You can imagine the pride with which I am beaming.

Talk of pot seems to be sticking to me like resin ever since I jokingly mentioned the phrase “dank nugs” on my show on Sunday. You guys, I was joking. I’m far too boring to smoke pot these days, though I’m in favor of people being free to do what they wish, so long as I don’t have to try to converse with them after they’ve done it.

But my oeuvre is not without the occasional pot story. Here, love this. But keep in mind it’s from 2000 and not that great.

Also, took me like six tries to type oeuvre.

P.S. I can’t remember what’s actually in the video with Showalter. For all I know we did talk about pot but I don’t think so. But now I’m suddenly remembering that we did talk about drugs in a radio interview. But still.

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Important announcement

I think it’s time to shake things up. My new go-to adjective is going to be “Oscar-nominated” and my catchphrase? “That’s so Raven.” Can’t wait to use my new Oscar-nominated catchphrase which is so Raven. You know?

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True or False moving quiz

When packing, it’s a good idea to stop and read old magazines as you come across them.

When packing, it’s a good idea to invent a moving quiz which will require frequent blog updates.

Unsure what to do with leftovers and scrap paper? Whip up a delicious egg white and old receipts frittata! (Garnish with paper clips and pennies)

When you find an emergency rain poncho, don’t just stand there, put it on!!!!!1

“Oooooh, lip gloss!!” is the kind of thought that will keep you motivated and on task

It gets messier before it gets cleaner

The above sentence is English

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Site: Todd Jackson | Art Direction: Josh Holtsclaw | Original Logo: Kezilla | Show Music: Tom Rapp