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Happy bday, Woofie (RIP)

Today would have been Woofie’s birthday. He was the black miniature poodle we had when I was growing up. Here he is as a puppy:

Here he is letting it all hang out:

And here he is by the dishwasher:

I’d already moved to New York when he died (he was 17) but for years when I’d come back to CA to visit my parents I would think I heard him running down the hall. I miss him.

But don’t be too sad because five years later my parents got this guy!

But maybe you need to see what he looked like as a puppy?

But wait there’s also:

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It takes a village (to go to the bathroom)

Earlier today I had a very important lunch meeting, because I am very important, and I excused myself near the end of the meal to use the restroom where I encountered this:

For when you need a spotter

But that is not all! Across the way in the same stall was this:

And you also need someone to sit in judgment

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Recent episodes and Ustream and awkwardness

Last night was our first official live streaming show. David Alan Grier was the guest and it was super fun and he didn’t make me cry. If you missed it you can go here and catch it. I’m not sure how long last night’s show will be available for a free viewing (maybe forever?) but it’s there now. And here’s the show’s Ustream page.  And while you’re at Ustream, there’s a little video of me from ARIYNBF on the front page talking about hearing the word no.

And I’m overdue for posting some recent episodes. Here’s last night’s. And then here’s Monday’s episode with Marc Maron.

And here’s the episode with Jim Jefferies.

And here’s the episode with Jon Lajoie.

I’ve been receiving a lot of very nice comments and tweets and emails and things so thank you so much for all of them! I’d be a liar if I didn’t say the occasional negative comment sticks in my head though. I’m working on getting a thicker skin.

I’m also working on not being a stress sponge. Have I mentioned this? I know I have actually. This has nothing to do with the show and everything to do with my personal life. I’m just going to shoe horn it into this post. See, here is the problem: I soak up the tension and emotions of the people around me and before I can even realize what’s happening I’ll be trying to nap on the couch and people will be arguing near me and they will feel fine because the argument was essentially just loud talking for them but I’ll feel like someone held my arms while another person punched me. I don’t know how to disengage exactly other than to become a loner and to control my environment to the degree that no one gets in.

Only tangentially related I kept wanting to tweet something yesterday about getting to the point where you have so many calls to return that it becomes easier to just get new friends. But then I realized there’s pretty much no way that doesn’t make me sound like an asshole. (And plus, I like my friends!) I was just commenting on the overwhelming feeling of having let communication pile up. Or lack of communication. Oh Oh Oh! And then something happened which made me pissed. Shall I let it all hang out? I shall. This guy whom I barely know texted me while I was doing the show Sunday night and then Monday morning texted me again and wrote, “Oh, okay…” as if in response to my not getting back to him when the truth is that I just hadn’t had a chance to get back to him. Was I ever going to though? I don’t know.

This is why I’m single. I mean not specifically, but just general inability to deal with others.

Now I kind of wish I’d said nothing.



This post needs a brain palate cleanser:

Also, how great was it last night when Adam wanted to talk about Facts of Life??

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A note to the ARIYNBF viewers

Hi Everyone! I won’t be able to do a new ARIYNBF show on Sunday because of a scheduling conflict (essentially what’s happening is I’m going to need to find a new time slot for ARIYNBF) but if you’re in withdrawal from a lack of me on Ustream (SAY YOU ARE, DAMMIT!) I have good news.

Here it is.

Here goes.

Get ready.

Not that ready. Jesus, have some pride.

On Monday, Jan 31 at 8pm PST The Adam Carolla Show which is where I now appear will be streaming live (David Alan Grier is the guest!) and you can watch the whole show in real time for free. It’s a free sneak preview. Yay! And you can chat just like you would when watching my show! And I bet my parents will drop into the chat room!

So please watch because I will feel better knowing you guys are there even if I can’t do any pencil dancing or wear giant sunglasses or dance to Trappdog’s songs. (I will be doing all of these in my mind of course.)

Here’s where you can go to watch and right now there’s a looping video with photos of guests and promo videos featuring Adam and me and Bald Bryan. It’s pretty delightful if I do say so myself, which I just did.


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Site: Todd Jackson | Art Direction: Josh Holtsclaw | Original Logo: Kezilla | Show Music: Tom Rapp