First of all I want to say that I wrote a long blog post, I mean it was looooooooong, about my various feelings about this and that but mostly about my recent decision to no longer read stuff about myself on the internet because it’s just getting inside my head and doing a fucked up kind of dance. What kind of fucked up dance, you are wondering? It’s sort of a cross between the sprinkler and the running man but with less rhythm and more self doubt. Also I suppose there might have been some anger in the blog post. But then I decided not to post it because feelings are so grody!
Anyway, care to see some photos of me with my famous celebrity boyfriends? (note: no actual boyfriends in these photos)
Here I am with my boyfriend Jon Lovitz. We broke up right after the photo was taken.
Here I am with my boyfriends Doug Benson and Bill Burr and also my hairtenna. You can see from the expression on their faces that things were already tense.
Here I am with my boyfriends Bald Bryan, Doug Benson and Bill Burr. This is when we’d already broken up but were pretending to be together for the children. I was opposed to it. “My heart is not an actor!” I announced, while doing yoga. “You go ahead and cheapen yourself with this performance,” I spat, “It wouldn’t be the first time!” My words dripped with sarcasm and beef jerky (I was hungry). Then they offered me a large sum of money to go along with it so I said okay.
Some things to click? Okay!
Watch the Ustream video of The Adam Carolla live podcast taping at Lovitz Comedy Club (Lovitz was the guest)
And listen to the Adam Carolla Podcast!
And listen to Bald Bryan, Bill Burr and me on the 4/15 episode of Doug Benson‘s Doug Loves Movies podcast