Author Archive | Alison Rosen
clip from Red Eye
it isn’t the unmitigated blast of me that it would be if Brent My Favorite YouTube Guru had made the clip, but it’s from the most recent show nonetheless. And this week I’ll be on twice: Tuesday as a guest and Friday filling in for Andy doing the halftime report. I’d cancel all my plans if I were you.
Best Bets 9-01-07
Vlogs that feature… ME!
If you go to and then go to “This week in NYC” and then click on the Eat Out for 9/6/07 and the Dating for 9/6/07 you’ll find me interiewing Gabriella Gershenson, Food Editor and Julia Allison, Dating Columnist, repectively. I also did the One Thing this week with Ethan but that one isn’t up yet.
In New York or near the internet? Presumably you are because you’re looking at this blog. I wrote the cover story in the fall preview issue of Time Out New York on stands tomorrow and I also wrote the “3 Questions with…” near the front of the magazine. The latter was with a mime. A chatty mime. I’m not even making that up. And the thing is that I wanted him to just pantomime his answers but he wouldn’t do it without commentary. Eventually I gave up and just interviewed him human to human instead of human to mime. There was no hot mime on human action. But I think it was funny nonetheless. And the cover story is on Kristen Wiig.
I don’t yet have a youtube link to the recent Red Eye appearance because Brent Walquist The YouTube Guru is on vacation but the clips are on Fox’s Red Eye site. Scroll down to the little pictures right under “Red Eye On Demand” and you’ll see a not particularly flattering one of me, next to the one of Owen Wilson. You’ll be able to tell us apart because he has blonde hair and is troubled whereas I have black hair and am free of worry. I think I’m in three of the clips which play consecutively. I’m also in the “Post Game Wrap Up” under Red Eye Regulars. Note: this might change tomorrow when the site is updated. Also: I’m still imagining that I’m seeing mice! I jumped at a broom earlier.
Red Eye pics
In this delightful series I believe I was trying to come up with more butt puns while communicating that I’m aware how cheesy it is to make a bunch of said cracks. CRACKS! Dangit I missed that one.
Goodbye mouse
So I’m too lazy to recount this whole story but I feel an urgency in posting it because I know you’re hanging on every twist and turn so I’m just going to reprint an email I sent to someone about it.
Dear [Redacted],
(note: I actually have a friend whose name is “[redacted]”. I thought it was weird too, especially the brackets.)
This morning I found the mouse in my shower! I grabbed a trash can and trapped it in the overturned can. Then I put a bunch of shampoo bottles and anything else I could find nearby on top of the trash can for fear the mouse would somehow get out. Then I worried those bottles weren’t heavy enough so I put stacks of books on top of it along with a box of bills and crap. Then I called the super. He came and wet the mouse with water by filling the tub and then he flushed the little guy down the toilet. The image of the little thing swimming as fast as it could while circling the bowl is haunting me. I have mouse blood on my hands. And mouse poo in my shower.
So, yeah. Anyone know how to remove a tiny chalk outline of a mouse from their shower?
update! breaking! alert! words with exclamation marks!
I”ll be on Red Eye tonight. Make sure to watch unless you’re busy.
New York smelled good today
like laundry and flirtation. sadly I think that might have been drakkar. it’s weird how high school informs so many of your associations. but it felt very potentially-exciting-in-a-back-to-school-way, which is in stark contrast to the way New York usually feels around this time of year which is stagnant and like death and melting cassette tapes in the back of a car. actually it didn’t feel exciting, because it’s hot and gross, but it smelled exciting. this is why I get paid the small bucks to be a writer.