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Author Archive | Alison Rosen

The weather outside? Frightful.

Christmas has exploded inside Starbucks. You can tell because the cups are now Christmasy and there’s more red everywhere and my coffee tasted like elves. Also, I think I heard some holiday music but I couldn’t quite tell from underneath my hat and scarf and also there were general auditory issues created by going from the cold outside to the slightly less cold inside. I remembered when my dad tried in vain to discourage me from moving to New York with tales of how cold it is here and I was thinking how that was so silly because the cold isn’t that dreadful, but the funny thing is that I was thinking this while simultaneously thinking “fuck this fucking fucked weather,” because I was in a good mood, you see. It’s just that it was raining and my jeans were wicking the water toward my skin. Like the opposite of two denim maxi pads. So anyway, if I were to get a pet should I get a bird or a puppy? I think I should get a dog but I keep dreaming about birds. Probably because my life’s like a cage, man. Also because I like to peck at gravel to keep my crop and gizzard running smoothly. I guess that’s all. I’ll be on NBC at 6:45 am tomorrow (locally) and I’m going to be on Montel next week but I’m not sure how soon it airs after taping. I’ll keep you posted. And if you’re my parents and you’re reading this, guess what, I’m going to be on Montel! It’s not that you have to find out from reading my blog, it’s that I thought sharing this news with you on the blog would be a special way for us to catch up!

Oh and one more thing everyone, I tried my hand at a Letterman style top ten list. (This was an actual Letterman topic, but my own list) Here it is:

Top Ten Signs Your Baby is Too Fat

10. doctors tell you he has a “great personality”

9. his stroller keeps getting a flat tire

8. when he was born the doctor said, “congratulations, it’s… enormous!”

7. he’s already in adult diapers

6. during delivery the doctor was overhead saying “forecepts? better make that fivecepts.”

5. he cries till you feed him a strained Whopper

4. he sat up at 4 months. and sat back down again at five

3. when you interview nannies you ask them how much they bench.

2. more reinforcements for the changing table!

1. his nickname is jabba the baby

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Breaking news about my hat…

from the TONYblog…

Holly Golightly

The weather outside is beginning to be frightful but my hat with a pom-pom on the top is delightful. Actually, it’s not really. I’m sad to report there’s some give in the pom and so it was really rocking back and forth as I walked down the street yesterday, like I had a tiny cheerleader on my head. It made me think of the way Brian described the physics of his teenage hair. But you know where you won’t need a hat? At a rock show. Those are notoriously sweaty. Speaking of, I once tried to use the word sweaty in every single blurb I wrote for a different publication. It’s just a good rock word, you know? But I don’t know that Holly Golightly, whom you’ll be seeing tonight, is sweaty per se. But if she wore my pom-pom hat she would be.

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Site: Todd Jackson | Art Direction: Josh Holtsclaw | Original Logo: Kezilla | Show Music: Tom Rapp