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Author Archive | Alison Rosen

The answer is D

a) I don’t like to wake up on a zero or a five so I set my alarm for weird numbers–TRUE! (I’m weird! However if I HAD to wake up on a zero or five I wouldn’t have a problem with it, hence my telling myself this is just a delightful quirk and not fullblown neurosis)

b) I wrote the first cover story of No Doubt to run in a national magazine–TRUE. It was in the now defunct Axcess magazine which was a national glossy magazine out of San Diego. I also did covers on Sandra Bullock, Milla Jovovich and… I swear there was someone else but now I’m forgetting. And here is a bit of trivia: apparently the cover picture of that story inspired the video for “Don’t Speak” because Gwen was made huge on the cover and the guys were shrunk and stuck in the background. There are some pictures of the story here, though you can’t read it, just see the images. The cover is that little thing on the left!)

c) In college, I lived in the dorm that was the exterior of Eastland from Facts of Life—TRUE! (the show was shot on a soundstage but Harwood dorm at Pomona was the exterior of Facts of Life when you see it in the credits. I didn’t even realize this until after I’d been going there for about a year!)

d) I hosted a radio show after college—FALSE! (I’ve done radio but never had my own show)

e) My hair is naturally curly—TRUE! (you can kind of see it in this old and somewhat embarrassing band article. Note how goth I look. I am not now nor have I ever been goth, I just seem that way sometimes because of the dark hair, light skin and pet raven)

Thanks to everyone for guessing!

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Four truths and a lie

Because you people love these so, here’s another battery of factoids plus one falsehood.

a) I don’t like to wake up on a zero or a five so I set my alarm for weird numbers

b) I wrote the first cover story of No Doubt to run in a national magazine

c) In college, I lived in the dorm that was the exterior of Eastland from Facts of Life

d) I hosted a radio show after college

e) My hair is naturally curly

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planning for my golden years

[UPDATE: The following was a real chat with an old Orange County friend, not someone I’m dating. I thought it was amusing. I should have clarified because I can see how if you read it thinking it’s someone I’m currently in a relationship with it would appear to be a raw deal as opposed to what it was: just a friendly future marriage proposal.]

him: if you’re 40 and still not married AND you just happen to move back to the OC, call me
me: are you offering to be my backup?
him: yes, in fact, i am
me: or are you suggesting that I would be
your backup
him: no no no. i have no desire to get married (right now). but when you get old n stuff…eh, maybe..
me: yeah, old n stuff
him: the real question here is: do you want children? and by children, i mean – a small yardwork workforce
me: yes I do. I’m glad we’re getting all this out of the way before I turn 40
him: you are running out of time
me: thank you

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She totally believed that I didn't know who the Wiggles were!

My friend Wendy and I are so in love with our own musings that we decided to share them! On a blog! No, for truly!

Now, some background: Wendy and I went to college together. We were both English majors. We had a friend who we called the MPG, or Modern Poetry Gestapo, because he got very upset with me one day when I didn’t finish all the reading. While in college Wendy did improv and hated scatological humor. I had a pet rabbit and liked scatological humor. Also, I had a lot of candles. Now Wendy lives on the West Coast with her husband. They both write for TV and perform. I live on the East Coast and make homemade krullers.*

*oh, like there are any other kind of krullers

p.s. I don’t make krullers.

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Dear New Hampshire,

I enjoyed you, kind of, when I spent three days on your Loon mountain at a Christian rock concert which I was writing about for a magazine (Seventeen, if you must know). Also, I enjoyed you when I went back about a month later for a wedding. In particular, I was tickled by your love of moose knick knacks. I don’t share your passion for moose, but if I did, I would definitely visit you to get my fill of Moosenalia, which I think is the name of one of your stores. Probably because Moose Crap was already taken. BUT I DON’T APPRECIATE THE WAY YOU’RE CAUSING TUESDAY’S RED EYE EPISODE, UPON WHICH I WAS SUPPOSED TO BE APPEARING, TO BE CANCELED.


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Four truths and a lie

Alright, because you guys have asked, I’ll do this again and make it a little harder:

a) When I was six I wanted to be a psychiatrist
b) Sometimes I say mirror when I mean window and vice versa
c) I collect puppets
d) I hate horror movies
e) I love the smell of laundry

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Five Things

Awhile ago my friend Rhett Reese who created the brilliant reality show parody The Joe Schmo Show taught me the “3 truths and a lie” game where you tell someone four things about yourself and they have to guess which one is made up. I was terrible at this game as I’m both gullible and a bad liar. But that shan’t stop us from playing it now, blog readers! Perhaps this will even be a recurring blog thingie! You love thingies!

Okay, here are five things you don’t know about me. You find the one that isn’t true:

a) I can believe it’s not butter, but I don’t care

b) I’m clumsy

c) I had pet ducks growing up

d) I always preferred Judy Blume to Beverly Cleary

e) I’m a civil war hero

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Site: Todd Jackson | Art Direction: Josh Holtsclaw | Original Logo: Kezilla | Show Music: Tom Rapp