They ran this flawed blurb about my career change:
January 30, 2008: Alison Rosen has been named associate features editor at Time Out New York. She had been music writer there. (mb)
Which is awesome, but it happened TWO AND A HALF YEARS AGO! Other outdated causes for celebration?
January 30, 2008: Alison Rosen moved to New York. She had been living in Calfornia (mb)
January 30, 2008: Alison Rosen got her braces off. She had been wearing them for four years (mb)
January 30, 2008: Alison Rosen got into Pomona, early decision! She had been hoping this would happen so she could stop doing any work for the remainder of her senior year(mb)
January 30, 2008: but back to the braces thing, a lot of people only had to wear them for like two years, and she had to wear them for four which pissed her off, specifically because she didn’t think she should still be in braces when she got her driver’s license, you know? (mb)
January 30, 2008: Alison Rosen got her driver’s license! (mb)
January 30, 2008: Alison Rosen got braces!
January 30, 2008: Alison Rosen learned how to raise one eyebrow. she’s been working on it in front of the bathroom mirror for what seemed like many headache-inducing hours. (mb)
January 30, 2008: Alison Rosen will be playing the role of Mrs. Harper in the 8th grade musical. For this, she will be wearing a funny hat.
January 30, 2008: Alison Rosen is trying out for the role of Becky, the lead in the 8th grade musical. (mb)
January 30, 2008: Alison Rosen has been born. She had been a fetus. (mb)
January 30, 2008: Alison Rosen is a fetus. She had been a zygote. (mb)
January 30, 2008: Shhhhhhh…. be very very quiet. Alison Rosen is gestating.