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Alison’s New Jacket, Greg’s Old Journal, Chips from France

ARIYNBF New Jacket Old Journal


Alison and Daniel are both having anxiety dreams, Alison bought a maternity jacket that happens to be a regular jacket plus 30 dollars and Greg’s pulled out his old journals to regale us all. This episode also has palindromes, advice for listeners regarding zoos and moving into your own place, #SnackChat featuring chips from Paris, Just Me Or Everyone and an adoptable dog named Rex.

Also, big news!! My Patreon page which I’ve been talking about for months is now live!!!!!


Download the episode from iTunes.

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And buy your tickets to LA Podfest using my discount code.


Here’s Rex:




2 Responses to Alison’s New Jacket, Greg’s Old Journal, Chips from France

  1. AndrewviaMR July 28, 2016 at 10:34 am #

    It’s so funny now neurotic California seems. All the discussion was around and around the issue of the zoo. Greg goes from recusing himself from answering a parenting question asked to taking the most offensive tact possible! It is unsolicited, bullshit parenting judgment that I don’t like, probably mostly because it’s bullshit. Most parents know we are shitty parents, so the judgmental part is just annoying because it is both true and unrealistic. We literally can’t do any better, but we can do differently. It boils down to arrogance on the part of the advice giver. They never off to provide free childcare, and well they shouldn’t, because my kids would eat most peoples’ lunch.

    I don’t have any trouble giving parenting advice, but I do have problems with people getting butt hurt over it. But since I don’t live in California I haven’t internalized and synthesized those two different things. I’m on the internet with anonymity, so here goes: In short, the parent should separate their personal political agenda from what is actually good parenting. 6 year olds are too young to understand being a political pawn. Your $5 isn’t going to affect the evils of animals not being predated and dying of old age one way or the other. That I think the anti-zoo agenda is silly is irrelevant. Make him the offer of the trip with you and let him choose if he wants your trip or the zoo trip. One of the really interesting things about kids is they REALLY know what they want, even when it is stupid. Ever seen an indecisive 6 year old? And not counting when you ask them if they want chocolate chips OR sprinkles, because they clearly want both.

  2. Richard Long July 30, 2016 at 3:44 pm #

    #Al gave the best advise , let the kid grow and experience things and make up his own mind . Greg’s reading and Jenna’s response was a multiple rewind moment if you had video of it and gave it to patreon people you would have me on a hook!

Site: Todd Jackson | Art Direction: Josh Holtsclaw | Original Logo: Kezilla | Show Music: Tom Rapp