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Waiting for news (a long dramatic post filled, ultimately, with psych jargon)

So I’m sitting here waiting for bad news. Not bad news like I didn’t get a job I auditioned for or this thing I was hoping to happen isn’t happening but bad news like actual bad news involving a loved one, the details of which I can’t say here because it’s not my news to share. It’s not definite bad news, and the scope of the news isn’t yet clear, but basically I’m just hanging out near the phone holding myself in a sort of suspended animation waiting to find out if the shape of my life is going to be altered significantly or just a little bit. And I suppose there are some people for whom the shape of their life is much more inviolate and who are so steadfast in pursuing their whatever or so selfish or focused that very little could rock them. I’m not one of them, at least not lately, and everything feels all wishy washy and porous and permeable and earlier today, before I was even aware that I’d be waiting for bad news, back when I was in high self-centered narcissist woe-is-me mode I was saying that for all I know my problem is that I’m trying to chase my dreams and maybe I just need to put my energy elsewhere and if I’m meant to do this or that it’ll come find me. For example, I said, I could move to Iceland and whatever’s meant to be will still happen regardless, even in Iceland. Clearly I’ve never been to Iceland.

But all that is beside the point. The point is that I’m sitting  here waiting for bad news and yet I know already I’m not going to get any news until tomorrow and then also midweek. I’m confused about the two dates for bad news but frankly nothing’s coming in tonight.

When first I’d gotten wind of the potential bad news I was numb. “Call me when it sinks in,” said my sister, which is how I realized I was numb. Then I was a little hungry and then I was filled with an urge to vacuum. An insatiable vacuuming urge, the kind that had me vacuuming my apartment while carrying my phone around so I could still get the news over the noise. “OCD much?” asked a friend. “I wish I were more OCD,” I said. “Then I’d have a cleaner apartment!” Then I began realizing that my plans for the evening: to come home and work/write, very clearly were no longer going to happen and I began trying to figure out how I was going to fill my time. I could read and watch Betheny’s Getting Married, which I DVR’d, but I think I’d rather get drunk and hook up with a stranger, which is an urge I haven’t felt in so  long it’s like experiencing a flashback. Because I went through some reckless years—years of acting out, if you will–and I’m safely and firmly on this side of all that so it’s near foreign to me to feel the old urges coming back, faint as they may be. I realize I’m probably losing people here but there’s something about the specter or the receiving of bad news that makes you feel like you get a freebie because what the hell does it matter anyway and you may as well do something that feels good or distracts you for the moment.

“When you’re sad you want to do something nice for yourself,” said a friend, “Like eating a sundae.”

“Yeah but you know what’s even nicer to yourself?” I asked.

“Being thin?” she said.

“Well, I was going to say dieting but yes, that’s what I mean,” I explained. “But you know what’s even nicer than that? Food.”

And by the way, food is not a euphemism for sex in the above. We were actually talking about food. But it’s the same thing essentially. You want to do something that feels good in the moment and yet the truly kind thing for yourself is to not indulge in momentary pleasures which are ultimately self-destructive. (I’m not saying sex is self-destructive but there’s a kind of reckless indiscriminate harlotry which many women engage in in their early 20s which feels empowering for about half a minute and pretty much always leaves you worse off than before.)

So I asked my sister to remind me why the whole getting drunk and hooking up with strangers thing is bad and she said she suspects it’s better to actually feel your feelings as opposed to try to run away from them. I think she’s probably right, and once she put it that way I realized that there was no way I could live with dirty tile grout so I’m actually typing this from the floor of my shower. Not really, but only because I don’t have wifi in there.

Anyway, if you made it this far, thank you for reading this. I will be fine and in a sense I’m not acting out because I’m too lazy to rustle up some bad influences. I don’t know if that’s maturity or fatigue. Either way it’s better than the alternative, I suppose.

And completely unrelated tomorrow is the final week of the TV Theme Song Tournament which I’m helping judge on Fox Sports News so tune in at noon ET to have your mind blown. (Watch twitter for the link to listen/watch!)


15 Responses to Waiting for news (a long dramatic post filled, ultimately, with psych jargon)

  1. boinkity June 11, 2010 at 8:08 pm #

    You know Alison… sometimes you write things that really upset me. You make me want to yell at the sky, straining my voice, saying, “Why! Why Alison? Why!?!?” Then I grab a hold of myself, and I give myself a little hug, and say, “She is only human, and like all of us, she isn’t supernatural.” This post is not one of those moments. I wish I could give you a little hug and say, “you are only human, and its super natural to feel the way you do.”

  2. Polibro June 11, 2010 at 8:56 pm #

    Hopefully things turn out for the best.

  3. Jason Colacchia June 11, 2010 at 9:40 pm #

    Nobody likes to receive bad news. I hope that everything works out for the best. I will keep you and your family/friends in my prayers. It is normal to have a flood of thoughts and emotions flowing through you. Just remember it is a natural process to feel some level of pain and with time all wounds heal.

  4. Tony Muckleroy June 11, 2010 at 9:48 pm #

    When I was in a stressful situation I would always go to sleep. I would sleep a long long time. I guess I wasn’t smart enough to think of sex! duh! You are no different than anyone else, with the possible exception of experience. That’s what life does to us. I teaches us how to handle situations like this, and it hurts going through the learning.

    You’re no different that the rest of us, with the exception that you have all these people around you that you make their lives just a little better, and with the exception of the cheese dicks, and douche canoes, they really want your life to be as happy.

    There is nothing you can do about this. You can’t control what may or may not happen. What you can do is be happier. There is nothing wrong with you enjoying your life. I mean we do it everyday. Things happening to people all over the world yet we are concerned about getting that new song for our MP3 player, or someone’s meaningless life on reality TV. How can we do that? Simple we choose to. It doesn’t mean we don’t care. We must cope with the real world every day. From that #@@#$# light that just turned red, why does life hate me, to dire news like your daughter is missing in Aruba.

    I once prayed daily for wisdom, then I got some and it was so stressful and horrible I prayed for it to stop as soon as I had the WISDOM to realize I was getting what I prayed for.

    I see great things for you Alison. Be happy and enjoy this life no matter what is going on around you. There is happiness to be found. Remember there is NOTHING wrong with being happy. I can make this an order if necessary! ;o)

  5. Tony Muckleroy June 11, 2010 at 9:52 pm #

    Life only has meaning if you are on Twitter, it’s a true fact! You’ll thank me later.

  6. pauldpearl June 11, 2010 at 11:08 pm #

    I can say this because I’m from the state who has Stewart Smalley as my Senator… (God Help us all).

    Alison, You’re going to do a terrific show and you’re going help people, because you’re good enough, you’re smart enough, and, doggone it, people like you.

    You don’t need my love but you have it. You don’t need my money but you’ll get it. There’s nothing I can say that will help your impending news be it bad or worse, however it doesn’t prevent me from trying. I normally would try to lighten your mood with a off collar joke but this time, I will abstain and just let what I said stand on its own.

  7. boinkity June 12, 2010 at 4:08 am #

    You know Alison… sometimes you write things that really upset me. You make me want to yell at the sky, straining my voice, saying, “Why! Why Alison? Why!?!?” Then I grab a hold of myself, and I give myself a little hug, and say, “She is only human, and like all of us, she isn't supernatural.” This post is not one of those moments. I wish I could give you a little hug and say, “you are only human, and its super natural to feel the way you do.”

  8. Polibro June 12, 2010 at 4:56 am #

    Hopefully things turn out for the best.

  9. Jason Colacchia June 12, 2010 at 5:40 am #

    Nobody likes to receive bad news. I hope that everything works out for the best. I will keep you and your family/friends in my prayers. It is normal to have a flood of thoughts and emotions flowing through you. Just remember it is a natural process to feel some level of pain and with time all wounds heal.

  10. Tony Muckleroy June 12, 2010 at 5:48 am #

    When I was in a stressful situation I would always go to sleep. I would sleep a long long time. I guess I wasn't smart enough to think of sex! duh! You are no different than anyone else, with the possible exception of experience. That's what life does to us. I teaches us how to handle situations like this, and it hurts going through the learning.

    You're no different that the rest of us, with the exception that you have all these people around you that you make their lives just a little better, and with the exception of the cheese dicks, and douche canoes, they really want your life to be as happy.

    There is nothing you can do about this. You can't control what may or may not happen. What you can do is be happier. There is nothing wrong with you enjoying your life. I mean we do it everyday. Things happening to people all over the world yet we are concerned about getting that new song for our MP3 player, or someone's meaningless life on reality TV. How can we do that? Simple we choose to. It doesn't mean we don't care. We must cope with the real world every day. From that #@@#$# light that just turned red, why does life hate me, to dire news like your daughter is missing in Aruba.

    I once prayed daily for wisdom, then I got some and it was so stressful and horrible I prayed for it to stop as soon as I had the WISDOM to realize I was getting what I prayed for.

    I see great things for you Alison. Be happy and enjoy this life no matter what is going on around you. There is happiness to be found. Remember there is NOTHING wrong with being happy. I can make this an order if necessary! ;o)

  11. Tony Muckleroy June 12, 2010 at 5:52 am #

    Life only has meaning if you are on Twitter, it's a true fact! You'll thank me later.

  12. TrappDog June 12, 2010 at 7:05 am #

    If Ted were here he’d say, “Straighten up Rosen!” Our thoughts are with you. Try not to be consumed by worry. Take a deep breath, and march on.

  13. TrappDog June 12, 2010 at 3:05 pm #

    If Ted were here he'd say, “Straighten up Rosen!” Our thoughts are with you. Try not to be consumed by worry. Take a deep breath, and march on.

  14. DjWeideman June 13, 2010 at 2:15 pm #

    I got some bad news this week, as well. My brother and his wife are getting a divorce, and none of the family saw it coming. She’s been cheating on him, and he felt guilty for suspecting her. So, I’m just waiting a few days until I can go up to LA to help him out. Until then, I have some ice cream to help out. And Alison’s show is coming on in 15 minutes. So, I got that goin’ for me. Which is nice.

  15. David Weideman June 13, 2010 at 10:15 pm #

    I got some bad news this week, as well. My brother and his wife are getting a divorce, and none of the family saw it coming. She's been cheating on him, and he felt guilty for suspecting her. So, I'm just waiting a few days until I can go up to LA to help him out. Until then, I have some ice cream to help out. And Alison's show is coming on in 15 minutes. So, I got that goin' for me. Which is nice.

Site: Todd Jackson | Art Direction: Josh Holtsclaw | Original Logo: Kezilla | Show Music: Tom Rapp