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On tonight's ARIYNBF: Real Housewives, Olga Kay and MORE!

Tonight’s show is 25 pounds of awesome in a 10 pound bag. I actually have no idea what that means. Does it mean there’s awesome overflowing from the unfortunately small bag which someone lacked the foresight to realize wouldn’t sufficiently cradle the quantity of awesome happening tonight? Or does it mean the awesomeness is crammed down into the bag and will explode out of the bag, as if it’s under pressure? Or does it mean there’s a sort of awesomeness muffintop being created by the too small bag plus too big awesomeness?

I’m not sure but Alex McCord and Simon van Kempen whose name I misspell each time I try to write it will be here to talk about Real Housewives of New York City and their new book, Little Kids, Big City.

*Got questions for Alex and Simon? Post them  here and I’ll try to ask during the show tonight! (Of course you can and should also ask questions in the chat room!!)

Also on tonight’s humdinger of a show is Youtube personality Olga Kay. She’s hilarious. (*Post questions for her here!)

Also on tonight’s wazoo of a wingding? Podcaster Jake Tuber, whom you may remember as the guy who claims to have started his own Ustream show because he was inspired by MY show. I’m probably being lulled into a false sense of security by all the smoke he’s blowing up my ass (which, by the way, is all true) and before long he’ll have a more popular Ustream show than I will but… oh who am I kidding? Exactly. But he’s fun and funny.

And also, Alfred Schulz whom you may know as Bill Schulz’s brother and a very funny and delightful person in his own right will be here to talk about things you never hear people say. He’s also sporting creepy facial  hair.

I informed Dustin that tonight was beginning to look a bit like a sausage fest and he says he might stop by after seeing a Tribeca film to put the sausages in their place. So: potential Dustin appearance! And possible Koryn appearance!

Also, I’m going to show some videos because now I do that!

And of course we’ll have the fan phone call! Click here for info on how to enter your number for the call of your life.

So watch at 10pm ET tonight at

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And there will be some shoutouts. Usually I keep the shoutouts, which are greetings or messages over here and the advertisements, which are advertising, over here, however a really loyal fan asked if I’d give a shoutout to his friend’s web site and I agreed to create something called Shoutvertisements. So basically if you want something akin to advertising but you can’t afford the full sponsorship (I’ve changed my rates, by the way, inquire if you’re all curiouslike), let me know and you can get a  shoutvertisement. It just rolls off the tongue, really.

Also, I  just got word that the tshirts are done being printed and will be shipped to me pronto! Yay!

Also on the show, we will talk about whether I should get car magnets made. Should I? Chi_Mike wants to get some and I don’t have a car so I don’t know if this is something people would be wanting. Let me know what you think.

I love you.

I’d also like to throw some love to my sponsors Saxton Manufacturing (who can treat any and all water problems, discounts if you tell ’em you’re a fan of the show) and Chip-n-Dough Cookies (discount if you use promo code ARBF).


2 Responses to On tonight's ARIYNBF: Real Housewives, Olga Kay and MORE!

  1. shamoracollins May 3, 2010 at 4:45 am #


  2. shamoracollins May 3, 2010 at 12:45 pm #


Site: Todd Jackson | Art Direction: Josh Holtsclaw | Original Logo: Kezilla | Show Music: Tom Rapp