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Wire taps and rude cashiers

I would never want to be wire tapped however if I were to find a bug on my phone that was actually in the shape of a bug, I would have to admit it’s clever. Invasive but clever.

In other news, the woman at the grocery store who is so deeply unpleasant verging on belligerent that I go out of my way to avoid shopping there when she’s working was strangely friendly today. I suspect someone talked to her about her foul attitude—something which I debated doing—which just proves my theory that if you want something done right, just wait for someone else to do it.


5 Responses to Wire taps and rude cashiers

  1. Anonymous August 5, 2009 at 1:41 am #

    “The issue of wiretapping once brought me a nightmare in which the Lord of the dance creator Michael Flatley tried strangling me with wires to squeeze secret information from me while performing his unique style of tap dancing. The experience was fearsome yet entertaining.”

  2. Anonymous August 5, 2009 at 12:41 am #

    “The issue of wiretapping once brought me a nightmare in which the Lord of the dance creator Michael Flatley tried strangling me with wires to squeeze secret information from me while performing his unique style of tap dancing. The experience was fearsome yet entertaining.”

  3. boinkity August 5, 2009 at 1:00 pm #

    haha…. that could be an intro…. Alison can tap her finger on some wires, and then bust out with, “Oh hey guys! I didn't see you there! I was just wire tapping. Get it? I am tapping my finger on this wire! Oh, if I have to explain it, forget it!”

  4. boinkity August 5, 2009 at 12:00 pm #

    haha…. that could be an intro…. Alison can tap her finger on some wires, and then bust out with, “Oh hey guys! I didn’t see you there! I was just wire tapping. Get it? I am tapping my finger on this wire! Oh, if I have to explain it, forget it!”

  5. boinkity August 5, 2009 at 8:00 pm #

    haha…. that could be an intro…. Alison can tap her finger on some wires, and then bust out with, “Oh hey guys! I didn't see you there! I was just wire tapping. Get it? I am tapping my finger on this wire! Oh, if I have to explain it, forget it!”

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