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An open letter to Anna David

Dear Anna,

Are we debasing ourselves by posting these vlogs? You know, but like, debasing in a bad way? I can’t believe I’m even asking this considering what a camera whore I am. It’s probably just hormones right? Right.



0 Responses to An open letter to Anna David

  1. Kevin January 29, 2009 at 7:28 pm #

    Even if the vlogs are debasing, just remember you’re doing them to bring joy to the countless number of people who read your blog(s).

  2. Lew January 29, 2009 at 7:44 pm #

    An open letter to Alison and Anna –

    No, you are not debasing yourselves in any way! You are giving others a window into the magical world that you live in and, no doubt, providing them with much enjoyment in their odd lives. Lives largely devoid of magic 8 balls, imaginary pets, and blogs about porn stars.

    So…shine on…you crazy diamonds…vlog on…


  3. Colorburned January 29, 2009 at 8:50 pm #

    I think I’ll miss these videos when you guys are done with the super secret project that you’re working on.

  4. Trapp January 29, 2009 at 10:18 pm #

    I don’t think you’re even making these vlogs. I think they’re just hallucinations I’m having.

    I knew I should have listened to those warnings about the peanut butter cookies.

  5. Ted from Accounting January 29, 2009 at 11:05 pm #

    debase Definition

    de·base (dē bās′, di-)

    transitive verb debased -·based′, debasing -·bas′·ing
    to make lower in value, quality, character, dignity, etc.; cheapen

    No, I think it’s sexual frustration actually…goes along with the over eating!

  6. annalytical January 30, 2009 at 11:52 am #

    if debasing means bringing joy to men, women, children and potentially animals, then yes i believe we are. btw, it’s very post modern cool to write this comment in response to your open letter while you are sitting approximately one foot from me but we are both being quiet and acting like we’re working on our project that isn’t the manhattan project but is still secret.

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