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In the Trader Joe's bathroom

Too bad I saw this *after* I flushed my votive candles, potpourri and copy of Twilight.


0 Responses to In the Trader Joe's bathroom

  1. Joe November 25, 2008 at 7:07 am #

    Wow – a triple underline beneath ANY. Now there’s a stern warning.

    One April Fools Day where I used to work, a coworker and I were going to post a sign-in/sign-out sheet on all the bathroom doors with the following message:


    “It has come to our attention that some individuals have been spending too much time in the bathroom. This has a huge impact on productivity. Therefore, we are now asking everyone to sign-in and sign-out when using the bathroom. Ideally, no single visit should take more than 6 minutes with a maximum of 3 visits per day.

    Participation is REQUIRED.

    Thank you,


    We chickened when we realized someone would take it seriously and call the president of the company and start yelling. We figured he probably had better things to do than take a call like that.

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