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Archive | Best Bets

Best Bets 8-18-07

I forgot to post this delightful number from a couple weeks back. I didn’t love it for some reason if I remember correctly, but don’t let that stop you from loving it, since you probably will since you’re very like that. (but it’s what I like best about you.)

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Best Bets 8-25-07

Perhaps it’s the fact that it’s 20 degrees hotter in my apartment than outside or maybe it’s that I have about four thousand deadlines in the next few days and all I really want to do is take a nap somewhere sunny, which is really weird since I’m hardly a somewhere sunny kind of person, or maybe it’s the hyper-rodent-vigilance I’m now engaging in round the clock, but I just felt kind of spacey during this morning’s Best Bets and also, apparently something painful crossed my face while talking about the second event. I think I swallowed wrong. Enjoy!

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Am I ruining the mystery?

I’ve decided that from now on when I do TV I’m going to post about the behind-the-scenes experience because television is magical and all sorts of important and exciting stuff happens which you may or may not be aware of and I’d like to build a bridge between you, the viewer, and me, an emissary of the enchanted land of television. Actually I don’t want to build a bridge between us, I want to be the bridge that connects you to TV. It’s a good thing that I’m not making any bridge jokes because that would be tasteless. I’m just saying more that television is an organ and you’re a pedunculated cyst and I’m the stem. That’s disgusting! Truly, I just made myself sick. For YOU.

So today I set the regular three alarms for 4:48am, 4:58am and 5:11am. Because I’m neurotic. I woke up on the intended second alarm (the first is so I can hit snooze and the last is just a safety precaution because if I were to sleep that late I’d be screwed). I got to the studio, drank a small cup of coffee and noted once again the dichotomy between makeup and hair people, who are generally exceedingly calm and soothing, and morning TV personalities, who are somewhat antic. I’m somewhere in between, but I like to make sure the first few words I speak aren’t on air because I want to eradicate any sleepy conversational clunkiness. For this reason if anyone asks me any questions before I go on air and I struggle to answer I take this as a slightly foreboding sign, especially when the questions are “hey, what’s going on” and “how are you?”
Then then hair and makeup people told me I was perfect exactly as I am and that if they were to touch me it would be gilding the lily and also unfair to everyone else so I said okay and was brought out to the set. Actually, that didn’t happen. Please read critically.

The segment went well. Michael and I wondered aloud what Yo-yo-ers should be called and then when we were talking about Home Movie Day he said that the footage we were looking at was Thomas Edison but I thought he said Thomas Jefferson which really didn’t make sense.

After the segment I drank another cup of coffee but I think the milk had turned or maybe the coffee had but anyway I quietly excused myself to throw it away in Conan’s trash can. I mean, not his personally, but the one across the hall by the entrance to his studio. I’m not sure why I did this since there were trash cans in the green room.

Then I sat around for awhile and then I changed into my walking home from TV clothes and walked home except for the part where I got lazy and took a cab.

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How fancy am I?

So fancy that I now post youtube clips of Best Bets, courtesy of Brent Walquist of the Beta Media Group, right here on this here blog. I was going to tell you about how I called 911 today because I walked past a fire but then I got distracted by the bounty that is this:

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Site: Todd Jackson | Art Direction: Josh Holtsclaw | Original Logo: Kezilla | Show Music: Tom Rapp